Our Featured Rates
We are a financial institution that specializes in serving you, our customer. We're focused on offering personalized products and services that are unparalleled in our industry.
60 Month CD
RATE 4.35%
APY 4.42%
54 month cd
RATE 4.30%
APY 4.37%
48 month cd
RATE 4.30%
APY 4.37%
Annual Percentage Yield is accurate as of 02/19/2025
Certificate of Deposit
savings accounts
Checking Accounts
A substantial penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal.
Rates are subject to change without notice. Fees may reduce earnings. Member FDIC
* Rate may change after the account is opened.
* Rate may change after the account is opened.
For loan rate information, please contact one of our loan officers.